Monday, August 24, 2009

House Rise

Closed the level bubble rising inside expands
Open the windows open the mind

What elevation required before birds swim
Through the porch door then out the back again

Unpressured renewal a rush of wings
What barometer with all windows

Open upstairs downstairs front door & back
Elevation a birdsong & no release from height

Tuesday, August 18, 2009

Marooned Pirate

Aye . . . a bad term already

something in-the-pocket
something me-related
now I has no need for it
baronet of an empty beach

perhaps something dark green
even a swamp would be the thing
more human & not
a sand trace where I doesn't matter

. . . but resourcefulness does begin

Monday, August 10, 2009


Generations generations
Ideas ideas from the sea

A need to understand the surf
Its lacy foam thrown out

A bed sheet laid down on sand
Then pulled back again

Sunday, August 9, 2009

Family Trek, New York

Is time travel possible? Yes
The square root of life? Yes

It takes a calculator – the heart

The sunlight on Walker Drive
The house at the end on the right
A cul de sac a stronghold
Of heart dreams & such punched in

Day-to-day a sliding screen
To the deck to the grill
& later Sunday a morning paper unrolled
with coffee rolls & jam

And passing into afternoon quietly
Combing the green kissing the sky
While overhead raptors may gyre
Here a family on Walker Drive

The calculator the home

Is time travel possible? Yes
The square root of life? Yes