Sunday, June 23, 2013

"Thunderhead" - Watercolor & Applique on Japanese Paper


Baseball Haiku - Maybe The Is Season Turning Around?

Balloons to explode
No easy way to describe
Yankees seem alive


When each day
How many days was that?
I would leave walking to work
still half-asleep
I never noticed the empty-
eyed windows staring at me
the pupils long faces
with silver-haired coronas
like sunsets watching me
Watching an early-morning ship
outbound for a years-long voyage
And at the time I didn't
realize the breeze rushing
me down the street
was the collective sigh
of house-bound faces
still wishing to go to sea

We're All Dinosaurs

My love

When the dust cleared
The sky no longer opaque
After a global light switch
Had simply shut off
The world changed

Today, the How is still argued
Cosmic? Seismic? Biologic?
All the above?
All at once?

"What's that? A bone? And here
See, a footprint in limestone."

* * * * *

Take a note, Ms. Raptor
The Fern Salad Co.
La Brea Post Office
Dear Sirs:
It has come to my attention
your recent shipment of leafy greens
was much too sandy [stop]
Please rectify as you otherwise
have an excellent product [stop]
Looking forward to my annual
visit to La Brea [stop]

[blah blah blah
. . . munch munch munch]

Sincerely yours
J.R. Thunderlizard

* * * * *

My love

The world has changed
And it has not
It changed when you were born
It changed again when I met you

Light switches left & right went 
On & off
Off & on
Yesterday today tomorrow

And see, here
A birthday history is imbedded
The handprint in stone is yours

"Flag" - Watercolor on Japanese Paper
